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26th August
Aviation Management and Services (Temasek Poly)
Ceremix #5, Part of the CLIQUE, TEAM LIFESAVING.
In love with the rain, cats, shopping, lame jokes and a Squid.

Loved by her


Layout: haokairotciv
Icon: eternalphoenix_
Background: dearest
Staceys Mom - Fountains of Wayne
Sunday, November 2, 2008
im leaving on a jet plane...
people, i am happy and sad to say that i have MOVED!  

since i cant move all my old posts to the new blog, i shall leave this here. i still wanna read my older posts from time to time. heh. 
Ranted at 11:34 PM

Thursday, October 30, 2008
time and tide waits for no man.
okay as promised, i shall add some pictures from kusu. these were what i have. AM STILL WAITING FOR THE REST. *ahem* HAHA. 

anyways school seems to pass by in a blur. and like that, the second week of school is coming to an end. time flies doesn't it? its like i thought i just entered poly year 1.1 and right now, im in year 2.2. im only a few more months away from my internship that is supposedly 8 months for AMS students instead of the usual 6 months and before you know it, we would all be wearing the graduation robes, receiving our diplomas and throwing our hats in the air. oh my gosh. i hate thinking about the future even though i know its about high time that i do. i have no idea what came over me and im beginning to feel nostalgic and think back of the old times. 

will things be different in the future? will we all still keep in touch as we promised each other that we would? can we all survive the cruel world and face reality? will we all make it big someday and make our mark? will we still be together in the future? and will there still be a place for me in his life and his in mine?

alot of thoughts right now in my mind. i know that these are just fears of mine. fears of change. that things i cant control. but all i know is to treasure what i have now and to look forward and move on positively. i know i said last time that im looking forward to graduating, but now, im thinking otherwise. i wish time could slow down even more. sigh. 
Ranted at 8:36 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
do you know what this face says?


i don't wanna do homework. sniff. i miss the holidays. :(
Ranted at 9:19 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Start time: 23 02 hrs
Name: Vanessa Leong
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: US Size 6
Height: eh. 155cm? yeah i know. im short. :D

Where do you live: Singapore. the tiny red dot.  
Favourite drinks: Ice lemon tea, milo bing, teh bing, any fruity drinks. heh heh. 
Favourite breakfast: erm. scrambled eggs, toast and chicken pie! (now i know where the fat comes from...)

Have you ever been on a plane? YUP.
Swam in the ocean? Close. the sea. 
Fallen asleep at school? WHO DOESN'T? *looks guilty*
Broken someone’s heart: naaaah. 
Fell off your chair? erm. once when i was in primary school. didn't see where the chair was and plonked my butt down. HAHA. 
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? yes. many times. up to the extent i fall asleep waiting. haha. 
Save e-mails? the funny lame assed ones. HAHA. 

What is your room like? it has light pink walls, a small fridge, a smaller tv, and wooden bed frame filled with soft toys from SOMEONE :D and wooden cupboards. and a big study table. okay my description skills suck.   
What’s right beside you?: my handphone that wont stop ringing, dean koontz's frankenstein, clothes from the washing machine folded in stacks, my tiny umbrella, apollo biscuits. 
What is the last thing you ate?: mum made kimchi soup. yummy! :D

Ever had chicken pox?: yup. i called it "pim-pals" HAHA. 
Sore throat?: yes, and i tend to get them easily last time. 
Stitches?: YUP. I WAS A CHUBBY KID LAST TIME OKAY! and maybe still chubby now? haha. 
Broken nose?: nope. it must be painful. 

Do you believe in love at first sight?: it depends. what if your love is blind? HAHA. 
Like picnics?: hmm. depends on the company and the food! :D
Who was were the last person people you danced with?: uh. squid? :D okay i did a small one. hand gestures only. when the radio in the cab played 70's disco music. heh heh.  
Last made you smile?: SQUID! 
You last yelled at: the damned cab drivers last night. we waited for freaking half an hour and not a single cab stopped. 

Today did you:

Talk to someone you like? UH HUH. squid, M.y, nor, jyun (ran into her and theng ong at ehub who watched the same movie as us!), kenneth see BEST FWENZ. 
Kissed anyone: heh heh. you should know who. 
Get sick: Nope. not today. 
Talk to an ex: heck no. 
Miss someone: not really?
Eat: chicken pie, duck rice with char shao and roast pork, popcorn and kimchi soup with veggies. 

Best feeling in the world?: knowing that you love someone and that person loves you in return. *cheesy smile*
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: YES! this stinko square bear my bro gave me when i was sec 3 i think and a squid soft toy from ikea. :D
What’s under your bed?: err. its a cupboard. it keeps bags. heh 
Who do you really hate?: hmm. not nice to say here now right? 
What time is it now?: 23 29


Is there a person who is on your mind now: Victor helios from dean koontz's frankenstein. im wondering how this guy managed to recreate humans using other human body parts. brrr. 
Do you have any siblings: duh. didnt i just say it?
Do you want children: OF COURSE! i want twins. :D
Do you smile often: yup. but its hard when im suffering a bad case of pms though. heh. 
Do you like your hand-writing: i have come to terms with it. HAHA.  
Are your toe nails painted: not today. i wanna buy the hot pink nail polish from face shop and go NUTS! 
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?: :D 
What color shirt are you wearing now: pale blue. with sweet melody all over it. 
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday?: on the bus from the marina south pier to school. 
I can’t wait till…: THE NEXT HOLIDAY. 
When did you cry last: Last night. cause we waited for the cab for half an hour and none would stop or come or would be taken by other people in front of us. and i could not rush back in time for dinner with my family. i felt very bad. but it was pms as well. 

Are you a friendly person: AM I? 
Do you have any pets: never. =( i want cats!
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: online on the web cam with me, fighting to stay awake. I LOVE YOU!
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: of course he does!
Do you sleep with the TV on?: not really.. i hardly watch tv anymore. haha. 
What are you doing right now?: multi tasking. it sucks. 
Have you ever crawled through a window?: are you kidding? im too big..
Can you handle the truth?: depends on what truth. but i would like things out in the open. 
Are you too forgiving?: i think so. i don't like people hating me and having this awkwardness. 
Are you closer to your mother or father?: i like to say its abit of both. 
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: squid. so far he is the only one who has seen my tears. 
How many people can you say you’ve really loved?: alot of people who mean alot to me. 
Do you eat healthy?: HAHA. sometimes. is eating veggies ofte enough? 
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: nahh. deleted it a week after we broke up. 
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: YEAH. I HAVE FEELINGS OKAY. 
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: SQUID. OR M.Y. OR ANYONE I TRUST. 
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: MODERATELY LOUD. haha. i like to tell the world my lame ass-ed jokes. :D
Are you confident?: sometimes. i suffer from a bad case of low self esteem sometimes.  

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. watching cartoons every sunday morning
2. taking swimming lessons
3. learning how to make friendship bands. :D
4. playing the play station (yup, im that advanced)
5. learning how to ride the skate scooter!  

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. CATCH HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3! (in the end we watched tropic thunder...)
2. come out with the feedback form for the talk tomorrow
3. accompany my folks for a facial appointment
4. do some grocery shopping for my mum
5. update my blog! 

5 snacks I enjoy(now you will know how unhealthy my lifestyle is.. haha):
1. MASHED POTATOES. (shit this is damn fattening, but is so damn gooooood) 
2. Dark chocolates
3. Chocolates
4. Ice cream 
5. Biscuits 

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Donate a portion to charity.
2. Give money to my folks regularly (its time they retired! haha)
3. Buy a nice place for a spa or just simply a place to live in at some exotic country like greece, hawaii, bali... 
4. build a built in wardrobe and clothes to go with it. heh heh. 
5. do something to make sure my money doesn't run dry. (i gotta agree with sam. haha)

5 of my bad habits:
1. picking at my nails when im nervous or bored. 
2. gorging myself when im depressed or upset.
3. worrying too much.
4. feeling insecure. (low self esteem! damnit)
5. losing my temper and saying things that shouldn't be said. i hate it. and im learning to control it. 

5 places I have lived in:
1. Marine Parade
2. Pasir Ris
3. Tampines
4. -
5. -

5 jobs I’ve had:
1. Event helper
2. Life guard
3. -
4. -
5. - (heh heh, what can i say? im daddy's little princess. HAHA)

hahaha. alrighty im not gonna sabotage anybody (see im nice). haha. whoever wants to take this quiz and go on ahead and lift this from my blog. :D okay. i need sleep. i have to wake up early tomorrow! and i will post about kusu when i have the pictures. :D 

Ranted at 9:03 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ranted at 9:57 PM

what puts a smile back on my face

just a regular msn conversation with the squido. with a web cam. :D he really knows how to cheer me up and make me feel better when i feel like a pig. and when i stuff my face like a pig. and feel really down. :D thank you sotong. 
Ranted at 9:48 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008
this is..

..the best damned thing that my eyes have ever seen. so far. :) 
Ranted at 1:47 PM